Butterfly Park Benamádena

Hey guys! 
Wow that took much longer than I thought!

I know I know… I wanted to write this long time ago. I don’t want to excuse this, so I am just writing it now. Hope you enjoy!

So I think we have the last two days open.

The day before we had to leave we’ve been in Benalmádena. There we visited the “Mariposario”.
When ever I hear there is something with butterflies you can bet that I’ll be there! I really love these animals! They are so majestic and beautiful! And there are so many different kinds! It was just awesome!

This is one of those big blue ones... It was really hard to take a foto of these ones because they were so restless. Unfortunately I didn't manage to take a foto of the inside of his beautiful blue wings.

This is one of those big blue ones… It was really hard to take a foto of these ones because they were so restless.
Unfortunately I didn’t manage to take a foto of the inside of his beautiful blue wings.


This one I also saw in Marbella on our campus. I couldn't belive that I have seen such a beauty in the free nature! :)

This one I also saw in Marbella on our campus. I couldn’t belive that I have seen such a beauty in the free nature! 🙂



Eating time! :)

Eating time! 🙂

Beautiful Butterfly - In the Butterfly Park Benalmádena

Beautiful Butterfly – In the Butterfly Park Benalmádena

Wow there was also a small kangaroo, an iguana, a turtle and a chameleon! How cool is that?

Wow there was also a small kangaroo, an iguana, a turtle and a chameleon! How cool is that?

This is an overview of the Park. It isn't sooo extreamly big, but you can explore many details and cool things. (Like the kangaroo :D)

This is an overview of the Park. It isn’t sooo extreamly big, but you can explore many details and cool things. (Like the kangaroo :D)

And the best thing that happened back there:

There... is.. a butterfly... on.. my... head... Don't move! Don't move! TAKE A FOTOOOOO!!!

There… is.. a butterfly… on.. my… head…
Don’t move! Don’t move!

Oh my gosh!!! That was so cool! 🙂

After an hour running around and taking pictures of butterflies we went back to our flat in Mijas and enjoyed our last evening with a glas of red wine! 🙂

Normally I don't like red wine, but this one was really good! :)

Normally I don’t like red wine, but this one was really good! 🙂

On the following day I had to fly back home. On the one hand I was happy because my friend was really homesick… sometimes it was really annoying! But on the other hand I was sad. I had to leave Spain which is such a beautiful country and back home in germany it was just rainy and cold!
But there wasn’t anything to do about it, so we had to go!

Byebye Spain! 😥

Meadow of heaven - on my way back home

Meadow of heaven – on my way back home


Just a short info: I’m currently making a practical training in a hotel… thats why I don’t have much time to write, but when I have finished that, I will (hopefully) write more often! 😉

See you later! 🙂

Two days left! o.O

In two days I’ll be back in Spain!!!

I’m so excited… and I just can’t hide it!!…Samira, just shut up and write!!!

Well why am I going to Spain again? Well first of all it is a very beautiful country and I reeeally love the language! …But to be honest I have to go. Why? Because I’m studying IMSI. What has one to do with the other? 
Well my college has a partner-school in Marbella. This school is focusing on the hotel-business. Thats why we have to go there and lern some basic stuff about hotels! So it is not going to be just leisure holiday… At first… 😀 after the time in the school a fellow student of mine and me are going to make a trip to Mijas and to Algeciras to enjoy our last few days down there 🙂

But first I hope that I don’t miss my flights and I hope that I’ll arrive there in total… It’s my first time I of flying completely alone and I am a bit nervous…

I’m going to manage that quest somehow! 🙂

Well what am I doing to stop me from going totally crazy in these two days?
Well today I’ll visit my children… WHAT SHE HAS CHILDREN? HOW MANY? well I think about 20 or something… WHAAAAT?… okay they are not MY children but the children I trained in trampolining befor I started to study. It’s one thing that I really miss in my everyday life now… After that I’m invited to a birthday of a very good friend. So today I won’t get the chance to go crazy…
But tomorrow… well I think I kept this day free especially to go crazy 😀 and of course to pack my bag.

Wish me luck and stay curious!